Our Governance and Structure
The Foundation for Social Connection Action Network (F4SC-AN) is a 501c(4) organization founded in 2018. It is a member organization formed to engage diverse stakeholders, increase public awareness, and advocate for policy change to address the adverse consequences of social isolation and loneliness and advance approaches that improve social connectedness for all Americans.
Our Governance
F4SC-AN governance and operational structure are achieved through its Board of Directors, Executive Director, and contracted operational and staffing support services. The organization’s affairs are carried out by its Executive Director with oversight, guidance, and support from its Board of Directors. To support the quality and ethical execution of that work, F4SC-AN holds a management services agreement with Healthsperien, LLC, that includes administrative and staffing services to support the mission and impact of the organization. Additional structural support, advisement, and operations are achieved through the Steering committee of leading Action Network members.
Board of Directors
The Board is composed of individuals of various backgrounds and expertise relevant to the topic of social connection, fundraising, non-profit operations, policy, issue-based communications, and other disciplines relevant to the operations and oversight of the organization. Members of the Board serve three-year terms with no more than three consecutive terms, and officers are elected to serve two-year terms. The Board has direct oversight and authority over F4SC-AN’s Executive Director, governance, and finances.
Executive Director
The Executive Director serves at the will of the Board of Directors and is responsible for carrying out strategies and operations to achieve the organization’s mission and objectives. With support from the Board of Directors, the Executive Director develops annual goals, work plans, oversees and supports fundraising activities, and identifies consulting opportunities to further F4SC-AN’s impact and sustainability.
Contracted Operational & Staffing Support Services
To support the operational and staffing needs of the organization, contracted services are obtained, which provide requisite high-quality, diverse, and cost-effective structural support to the organization. F4SC-AN achieves this through a master services agreement (MSA) contract with Healthsperien, LLC. The MSA provides for all staffing needs of the organization as well as select operational support.
Coordination Efforts Across Scales

Note on the role of Healthsperien, LLC – Healthsperien has a history of launching and incubating nonprofit health care and social services related organizations for the betterment of the most vulnerable among us. F4SC-AN, founded in August 2018 by Healthsperien, is one such organization. The formal MSA agreement between F4SC-AN and Healthsperien covers solely the direct and indirect costs associated with the staffing and administrative services as spelled out in the agreement and does not include profit to Healthsperien, LLC. The MSA provides full-time FTE staff and partial FTE staff positions. Partial FTE Staff contracted to F4SC-AN do not serve other Healthsperien clients under separate contracting agreements when acting on behalf of F4SC-AN. Should F4SC-AN and Healthsperien jointly enter into a contract with a third-party entity, subcontracting agreements will be obtained to ensure all appropriate funds raised by such efforts are held by F4SC-AN.
Our Policies & Procedures
Core Values
Collaboration: Our team of contracted staff, members, and partners come together to fulfill our mission by working cross-functionally with the shared goal of collective impact.
Integrity: Honesty and sincerity are integral attributes of the Action Network and are at the forefront of how and why we continue our work. We are focused on our mission and vision to benefit all Americans in our quest for social connection.
Respect: An environment of mutual respect and inclusion is maintained throughout every level of the organization. It is a guiding principle of social connection and elemental to our collaborative work.
Impact: Our team and members are committed to aligning to move the needle on social isolation and loneliness issues. We are committed to using our collective voice and working together to advance our advocacy work and create meaningful action to end social connection and loneliness.
Commitment to Equity
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are key components of social connection. F4SC-AN embraces these principles and allows everyone to be seen, thrive, and contribute to our work. We celebrate our culture that brings together a diverse team of staff, scientists, leaders, partners, and other community stakeholders to work together on interventions that foster greater connection. Our organization welcomes contributors across race, socio-economic status, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, gender, and marital status.
Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of Interest are taken seriously by F4SC-AN and its partners. Members of the Board of Directors and Steering Committee disclose conflicts of interest on an annual basis. Should a conflict of interest be identified with any staff member or partner, it will be documented, and F4SC-AN Leadership, including the Board of Directors, will work to mitigate it to the best of their ability. If F4SC-AN Leadership deems a Steering Committee member to have a conflict of interest in relation to a particular issue, resolution of such conflict, including recusal of the conflicted Board member, will be made on a case-by-case basis as determined by F4SC-AN Leadership.