Licensed Therapist

Kier Gaines

Kier Gaines is a licensed therapist who uses his platform to speak up around the importance of mental health and has disrupted the stigma against mental healthcare through his unique, transparent and authentic approach to the conversation. His transparency has touched over 27M viewers just last year to be more proactive around their mental health journey and reframe the way they view life, relationships and parenting. Career-wise, he has been invited by shows such as Good Morning America and the Today Show to speak, as well as been featured by celebrities such as Viola Davis, Idris Elba, Oprah Winfrey and Justin Baldoni for his work. Most recently, he was asked by the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, to become a continued advisor and counselor for White House mental health initiatives. Since beginning his career, he’s been hired to speak companies like the NAACP, Black Love, NASA, Amazon Movie Studios, US Surgeon General Office and more, as well as honored by Emmy award winning actor Sterling K. Brown and Oprah Winfrey on OWN’s Special Honoring Our Kings: Celebrating Black Fatherhood