u.s. senator (d-NH)

Senator Maggie Hassan

Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2016, Senator Hassan has worked across the aisle to get results for Granite Staters. She is the second woman in American history to be elected both Governor and United States Senator, along with fellow New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen. 

Senator Hassan has led bipartisan efforts to lower Granite Staters’ health care costs, combat the substance use disorder crisis, and address the COVID-19 pandemic. She has worked across the aisle to pass legislation into law to help end the practice of surprise medical billing and increase access to lower-cost prescription medication. Since 2017, Senator Hassan has helped secure a nine-fold increase in funding to New Hampshire to help prevent and treat substance use disorder. And Senator Hassan has helped to negotiate and pass into law crucial COVID-19 relief packages. 

In addition, Senator Hassan is working on a bipartisan basis to keep America safe, secure, and free and support veterans. Senator Hassan has successfully passed into law bipartisan legislation to strengthen terrorism prevention efforts at the Department of Homeland Security and improve cybersecurity at a federal, state, and local level. Senator Hassan is also committed to improving veterans’ access to the care and services that they need and deserve. Senator Hassan has helped to pass into law bipartisan legislation to improve veterans’ access to COVID-19 vaccines, eliminate barriers to care that many women veterans face, and strengthen veterans’ access to mental health care.